You have been sent in to investigate the murder of seven children by one Rustin Parr, a loner who lives in the forest by town, which is said by local folklore to be haunted by the Blair Witch, who possessed Parr and forced him to murder the children. You play Elspeth 'Doc' Holliday, a member of Spookhouse a top-secret government agency set up to track spooky things (yes, the very same organization featured in Nocturne: expect obligatory appearances from familiar characters like the "Stranger"). The game is set in the one-horse town of Burkitsville, where all the atrocities took place in the film. It turned out to be an 'action/adventure', which completely buggered its chances with the gaming cognoscenti. Let's face it, Blair Witch could have been a FPS, RTS, RPG and just about any other acronym you could think of. Exactly what you would do in this game was not. The idea that there would be a game to follow up the film's success was inevitable. One half were on the edge of their seats the whole time, the other half wondered why everyone was getting worked up over the shake-o-vision camera work and the fact that you never actually saw anything. The Blair Witch Project was a film that divided audiences like no other.